Archives for posts with tag: Norman Morrissey

Lord of Life is read by Harry Owen with artworks by Sally Scott: video concept and edit by Roddy Fox.

Harry and I launched a poetry to imagery collaboration to take our work on to a virtual platform in response to the Covid-19 lockdown in South Africa. To our great surprise this piece won a Standard Bank Ovation Award for innovation and excellence on the Fringe at South Africa’s Virtual National Arts Festival.

The Edna Fourie Gallery was the delightful venue for a special presentation of For Rhino in a Shrinking World at the McGregor Poetry Festival in South Africa’s Western Cape on Sunday 30th August 2015.

Six South African contributors to the anthology introduced and read their wonderful poems to a rapt and fascinated audience.

Norman Morrissey: ‘Lord of Life’

Silke Heiss: ‘Awaking’

Geoffrey Haresnape: ‘Praise Song’

Kerry Hammerton: ‘The Last Humiliation’

Ian McCallum: ‘The Elephant Tree’

Harry Owen: ‘Eyona Indala’

The event concluded, fittingly and movingly, with a recording of John Denver singing ‘You Say That The Battle Is Over’ by David Mallett.

All of these pieces and many, many more, along with the magnificent artwork of Sally Scott, were freely contributed so that every cent raised from sales of the anthology can go to the Chipembere Rhino Foundation to support their tremendous work on behalf of these glorious creatures.